Getting older comes with a lot of personal growth. I have never worn a lot of makeup, but I have always worn dark eye makeup. For the last 3 years, I have worn fake lashes and about 3 months ago I got tired of them, took them off and never looked back. Maybe I needed to start fresh since I turned 30.
The first step in this new "look" was growing out my natural lashes.
One thing you have to understand about me is, I am a skeptic of EVERYTHING! I never used lash serum before because I never believed it actually worked. Well, I have used 2 thus far and I am here to tell you it works! Right now, I am using the one from Farmasi Cosmetics. The key is consistency. You have to use it every day!
My next step was to learn how to properly contour and, of course, purchase proper products to contour with. Lord knows I didn't have anything that wouldn't make me look like a clown. If there was anyone that could teach me I knew Megan Woods, a makeup artist with Salon Rouge Spa, could.
Last week, Megan and I sat down and she did her absolute best to teach me how to contour. I still don't do everything exactly like she taught me, but I love the finished look! It is definitely what I was asking for! It takes me less time to do my makeup and I don't have to use a bunch of products unless I am going to an event.
-I have linked the products for easy access-
These are the products I use on a daily basis:
Enjoy our video! You can find it on out YouTube channel!
I have to use a really dark color for my dark contour and then I like a really light white or pink for my light contour. I needed help figuring out where, what and why. This is what I have learned so far. Remember, I am learning, so you are learning with me. I am sure there are many techniques I have yet to learn.
Tip: Always brush in upward motions so you don't drag your skin down.
Dark color- Darker shading areas recede to create the appearance of lean hollows. You want to use your dark from the middle of your ear to the corner of your mouth, along your jaw line, hair line and sides of your nose.
Light color- A lighter color helps emphasize your darker color and make your bone structure more prominent. Apply your light color above and between your brows, under your eyes and between your dark contour on your cheek and jawline.
Blush- Apply the blush on the tops of your cheeks.
Highlighter- Lightly highlight above your blush, on your nose and cupids bow.
Please be sure and get a really good blending brush and blend all your lines together. You should have a beautiful, natural look with an accentuated bone structure and slim lines! It is my favorite way to wear my makeup and I am so glad I finally learned how.